Creative Mornings Zürich

Part of a series on "Restart", Bob Sumner gave a presentation about GTC's work on games and augmented reality.
Behind the Art - Digitaltag Vaduz 2018

The augmented reality app, a result of the collaboration between the LGT Group, the Liechtenstein Princely Collections, and the Game Technology Center, was showcased on October 25th at the Digitaltag 2018 in Vaduz.
Research collaboration with Franz Carl Weber

We have just released a very exciting update to our GTC Showcase app! In this update, a new augmented reality game was added to the app, which was developed as part of a research collaboration between Franz Carl Weber and the ETH Game Technology Center.
Video - Instruments of Creation

Watch Mario Klingemann's talk on how data and deep learning can create incredible visual art.
Fun is the Future!

Learn more about ETH's Game Technology Center presence at the Berlin Science Week, on November 5th 2018.