External Outreach

The GTC serves as central point for outreach to educational, creative, and industrial partners in Switzerland. By providing this bridge between the inventors and users of technology, the GTC fosters interdisciplinary collaboration that enhances research, education, and technology transfer.

Zürcher Hochschule der Künste

external pageZHdK's study and research programme covers the areas of design, film, fine arts, music, dance, theatre, transdisciplinary studies, and the teaching of arts and design.

Swiss Game Developers Associations

The external pageSGDA is an independent Swiss association that acts as a representative of the Swiss game development industry.


external pageSWISSGAMES is an initiative designed to promote the Swiss game cluster inland and abroad. Their core mission is to help Swiss developers gain visibility, build relationships with the international game industry and access global markets.

Disney Research Studios

With strong ties to the Computer Graphics lab at ETH, the external pageDisney Research Studios is influencing video of the future, computational cinematography, human and facial animation, and capture technologies.

Studio Gobo

Brighton's external pageStudio Gobo, which collaborated with Disney to great success on both Infinity and its sequels, has hired several students from the ETH Game Programming Lab.

Dybuster Alemira

The Swiss company Dybuster, now part of external pageAlemira, develops innovative educational software based on neuroscience to ease the struggles of students with learning difficulties.

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