Artifact: MAG/NET App
The Artifact: MAG/NET app brings paintings from the MAG/NET lifestyle and art online magazine to life using augmented reality. It allows you to interactively experience art pieces and discover exciting background information.
The Artifact: MAG/NET app is based on the Artifact Augmented Reality platform, which is being developed as part of the research collaboration Behind the Art with Augmented Reality with the external page LGT Group and the external page Liechtenstein Princely Collections.
How To
The experience augmented reality with the app:
1. Install the app for external page iOS or for external page Android.
2. Open the external page MAG/NET website on a computer screen, scroll down to the image gallery, and open an image in full screen.
3. Point your phone's or tablet's camera at the image.
4. Explore and enjoy!
App Image Gallery
MAG/NET Articles
Elisabeth Vigée Lebrun
Portrait of Pincess Karoline von Liechtenstein, 1793
Explore this painting in-depth using the MAG/NET app. Learn more about her bare foot, clear the smoke to reveal the rainbow in the distance, or watch as the volcano comes alive.
Read the MAG/NET article about Portrait of Pincess Karoline von Liechtenstein external page here.
Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller
Revival to new life, 1852
Explore this painting in-depth using the MAG/NET app. See the different layers separate in front of your eyes as perspective is virtually added to the painting.
Read the MAG/NET article about Revival to new life external page here.