Artifact: Parallelen
The GTC releases a new app that enriches the upcoming art exhibiton at ETH Zürich CROSSING PARALLELS: AGOSTINO CARRACCI & HENDRICK GOLTZIUS with augmented reality experiences.
The Artifact: Parallelen app enhances the ETH Zürich exhibition by meticulously supplementing art pieces with augmented reality multimedia information such as images, videos, animations and special effects, resulting in an interactive and playful way to absorb information on the subject.
Curated by Dr. Susanne Pollack, Graphische Sammlung ETH Zürich and Dr. Samuel Vitali, Kunsthistorisches Institut Florenz, Max-Planck-Institut, this exhibition runs from 9 December 2020 to 14 March 2021.
The app is based on the Artifact Augmented Reality platform, an ongoing research collaboration with the LGT Group and the Liechtenstein Princely Collections.
To learn more visit the Artifact: Parallelen App page