VR Game Prototype for Hand Tracking and Projection
Lea Reichardt
Bachelor's Thesis, December 2019
Supervisors: Julia Chatain, Dr. Fabio Zünd, Prof. Dr. Bob Sumner
This thesis addresses the development of a Virtual Reality prototype for hand tracking and projection. The game prototype should act as an application for a hand tracking and projection system that allows hands to be tracked and be used as a projection surface to display virtual content.
In this thesis, we describe the design and implementation of a software system using Unity, HTC Vive, and Leap Motion that imitates a hand tracking and projection setup. Also, we describe the design and implementation of a game prototype using the system. Furthermore, the conduct of a user study to validate the system and to evaluate if the hand gestures are well-suited for the game concludes the thesis.
Our system received an average System Usability Scale score of 77, which corresponds to the adjective rating “good”. The study showed that participants older than 40 years felt more immersed than participants younger than 40 years. Also, the study showed that the participants without previous gaming experience received a higher average score in the Game Experience Questionnaire component ”Sensory and Imaginative Immersion” than the participants with previous gaming experience. The study also showed that the thumbs-up gesture received a higher average rating than all the other gestures, concerning the difficulty of performing it. Further- more, the study showed that two gestures that are the same movement could be perceived unequally difficult and unequally enjoyable when used in a different context.